PALEMBANG - The Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) officially held the South Sumatra Indonesian Journalism School (SJI) in the Candradimuka Stisipol hall, Palembang from August 6-10.

On the first day, the SJI participants received material about national insight in journalism, the philosophy of the journalist profession, critical and creative thinking.

Not only that, but the SJI participants were also equipped with multitasking journalism, visualization and infographic data journalism, as well as journalism and AI utilization.

The chairman of the South Sumatra PWI Kurnaidi appreciated the General Chairperson of the Central PWI Hendry Ch Bangun and the PWI administrators who had organized the SJI in Palembang.

"This SJI has a history in South Sumatra, we hope that South Sumatra will not be delayed, even though the SJI event has been held 4 times," he said in a written statement, Tuesday, August 6.

Chairman of Stisipol Candradimuka Palembang Liphasari Prihatini also welcomed the Indonesian Journalism School which was held in Palembang. He hopes that SJI in Palembang City will be able to improve the quality of journalists in South Sumatra, be more professional and be able to adapt to technological developments.

On the same occasion, the Head of the South Sumatra Communications and Information Office, Rika Efianti, said that the South Sumatra Provincial Government welcomed the SJI event conducted by the South Sumatra PWI.

He hopes that this SJI will be able to improve the competence of journalists with integrity, professionalism, ethics, and global insight.

"With the SJI, it is hoped that it will form journalists who are not only proficient in writing, but also think critically when responding to what is happening in society," he said.

"With the current technological advances, journalists are not inferior to information that is quickly spread on social media, the public must really know the real information or news from journalists," Rika continued.

Meanwhile, Hendry said the formation of this SJI cannot be separated from Palembang City.

"This is where we from the Central PWI collaborated with the governor at that time Alex Noerdin initiated a product called the Indonesian Journalism School. Even at that time, we had planned to make Palembang a center for the education and training of journalists throughout Southeast Asia," said Hendry.

According to him, of the 10 PWI activities, one of them is education and a journalist competency test.

Hendry said the most important thing for the Central PWI program was to try to restore the dignity of PWI, namely not just a shelter for journalists throughout Indonesia, but to make journalists who have national insight.

"Let's develop Palembang into a journalist education and training center throughout Southeast Asia," said Hendry.

Meanwhile, SJI in Palembang opened the General Chairperson of the Central PWI Hendry Ch Bangun and was attended by the Chairman of the South Sumatra PWI Kurnaaidi, the Head of the Central PWI Education Division Suprapto, the Executive Director of SJI Ahmed Kurnia, the SJI teachers, the Head of the South Sumatra Communications and Information Service Rika Efianti, the Head of the Candradimuka Stisipol Palembang Liphasari Prihatini, the Head of the SKK Migas Sumbagsel Safe'i Syafri Formality and Communication Department, the FX LLDIKTI Region 2 Romi Kurniadi Saputra, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the South Sumatra Provincial Secretaria Secretariat Toni Kurniawan, the Head of Public Relations of the South Sumatra Provincial Secretariat Ega Puza Satria.

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