JAKARTA - The police will examine three teachers from the daycare Wensen School Depok in handling cases of alleged abuse of children who have designated Meita Irianty alias Tata Irianty as clear.
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said that the three daycare Wensen School teachers are planned to be questioned today.
"Today, 3 teachers will be examined who carried out activities at the TKP at the school in Wensen School," said Ade to reporters, Friday, August 2.
It was not explained in detail about what would be explored from the three teachers. It is only conveyed if this case will continue to be developed even though it has named a suspect.
The development of the case will lead to the status of the daycare. Because, based on information circulating, the child care place is not licensed.
"Because this is also related to licensing, related to child protection, related to trauma healing, related to preemptive strike or prevention of the next victim's opportunities, educating the public to be careful and so on," he said.
In an effort to thoroughly investigate the case, investigators are also said to have coordinated with various related parties, ranging from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) to the Depok Regional Government (Pemda).
"This will continue to be developed, investigators will also communicate and cooperate with KPAI, with colleagues from the PPA ministry, then stakeholders in the city of Madya Depok will also communicate," said Ade.
In this case, Meita Irianty alias Tata Irianty has been named a suspect in the persecution of undergraduates (MK) (2) and HW (9 months).
Meita Irianty, known as Influencer Parenting, is the owner of the daycare Wensen School Depok.
With the determination of the suspect, Meita Irianty alias Tata was charged with Article 80 Paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 80 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with a penalty of five years and six months.
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