JAKARTA - Commission I of the DPR asked the TNI to seriously investigate the alleged abuse of a student with the initials MHS (15) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, to the death toll. MHS was allegedly abused by TNI personnel until he was seriously injured, then died last May.

"This case has been around for a long time, but until now there has been no clarity from the TNI. We demand that POM (military police) seriously investigate this case because the perpetrator is suspected of originating from the TNI institution," said Chairman of Commission I Meutya Hafid, Wednesday, July 31.

This incident began when MHS and his friends watched a brawl on Jalan Pelican, Deli Serdang, Medan on May 24, 2024. Police officers and TNI who were at the location immediately dispersed the brawl and arrested several people including MHS.

Based on the testimony of the witness who was a friend of the victim, MHS was arrested and allegedly abused by Babinsa members around the location because he was considered involved in the brawl. The TNI personnel said that MHS was beaten and fell under the railroad tracks and suffered injuries to the head, chest, and hands.

MHS, who was still in grade 3 of junior high school, was unconscious but an individual Babinsa who was suspected of committing abuse left the victim at the scene. MHS was then rushed to the hospital for treatment. It's just that MHS finally died the next day.

"We condemn this act of persecution if it really happens, let alone the victim of death. This case must really be handled, of course in a transparent manner to ensure that the legal process runs fairly," said the legislator from the North Sumatra electoral district.

Meutya also highlighted the TNI, which seemed to be reducing the MHS death case. This is because the victim's parents have reported allegations of abuse by Babinsa personnel to Denpom I/5 Medan since the victim's death, but until now the investigation of the case has no clarity.

Although the Kodam I/Bukit Barisan (BB) denied any abuse by its personnel, Meutya reminded that there should still be an explanation for this case. Instead of just letting the case 'be buried'.

"If there is no persecution, prove it clearly and openly. Witnesses have been examined and provided information, investigations and investigations should continue," said Meutya.

It is known that on Monday (29/7) yesterday, the victim's family visited the Komnas HAM office in Jakarta to ask for legal proceedings and to reveal the truth in MHS' death. This is because it has been two months since the incident occurred that no one suspect has been arrested or tried.

Meutya supports the steps taken by the victim's family, and asks the TNI ranks to work together.

"There is no justification for the loss of a person's life due to arrogance and violence by the authorities. So this case must be thoroughly investigated, and give legal sanctions to the perpetrators if found guilty," he said.

Meutya assessed that the investigation into the MHS death case must be carried out quickly for the sake of justice for the families of the victims. He also asked the TNI leadership not to turn a blind eye to the incident.

"It must be remembered, one of the tasks of the TNI is to protect the people. The TNI must prove its professionalism and integrity by not covering up legal cases," said Meutya.

Commission I of the DPR as a partner of the TNI also regrets the slow disclosure of the MHS death case. Moreover, said Meutya, the issue of arrogance by the apparatus has been in the spotlight lately considering that many similar incidents, for example, occurred in Padang even though the alleged perpetrators were not from the TNI unit.

"The TNI should have been more sensitive because cases like this are very sensitive. We hope that the spirit of the TNI knights can also be shown in handling legal cases involving its staff," said the member of the women's House of Representatives who also represented Deli Serdang.

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