JAKARTA - Herman, known as Ustaz Gondrong, who went viral because of the multiplication of money in Bekasi, is mentioned by the police as a seller of mystical antiques. Ustaz Gondrong was also known as a healer.

"Brother H (Ustaz Gondrong) is known to many people as a seller of mystical antiques and can also treat various diseases," said the Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus, to reporters, Monday, March 22.

The video of Ustadz Gondrong in action when multiplying money in Babelan, Bekasi was made on March 18. This video went viral on Saturday, March 20.

This deception was recorded by the wife of Herman, aka Ustaz Gondrong, with the initials NP. The video was then distributed by a woman with the initials M. The money was fake money which was later found to have been burned.

"According to H's confession, it was sister M who distributed the video, currently she lives in Surabaya. She said it was for fun,” said Yusri.

The police have already secured Herman alias Ustaz Gondrong. But the legal status has not yet been determined, because the police are currently investigating whether or not there are victims of this fraudulent multiplication of money in Bekasi.

"Investigators have come to H's residence to search, including securing the objects in the video, both boxes, as well as several other objects, including the remains of the arson," said Grand Commissioner Yusri.

The 12-minute video shows the practice of multiplying money using jenglot media and magic boxes. The video shocked the virtual world and went viral.

In the video, a long-haired man is seen performing a money-multiplying ritual by creating lots of Rp. 100 thousand bills.

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