JAKARTA - British police arrested nine people protesting against arms exports to Israel. Demonstrators had blocked roads outside the foreign ministry, highlighting pressure on the new Labor Party government for its stance on the Gaza war.

Pro-Palestinian protesters in Britain have campaigned to ban governments from selling weapons to Israel following their attacks on Gaza.

Last week, new Foreign Minister David Lemmy said his party wanted a balanced position regarding Israel and Gaza.

Lemmy said the comprehensive ban on arms exports to Israel was inappropriate, but he would follow the semi-judicial process in assessing whether the sale of weapons was offensive. Weapons that can be used in Gaza can be continued.

London Metropolitan Police said protesters arrived outside the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development office and blocked pedestrian and vehicle access.

Police said protests could only continue if the middle arch of the road was left empty.

"When the group failed to comply with the requirements, officers intervened and made nine arrests, quickly restoring access," a Met police spokesman said.

When in opposition, Lemmy earlier this year said the government should suspend British arms sales if there is a clear risk that the weapon could be used in serious violations of humanitarian law.

Now in government, Lemmy asked on his first day to conduct an assessment of the legal situation and he hopes to communicate any decision with "full accountability and transparency".

The Labor Party was elected with a large majority earlier this month, but lost some seats to pro-Gaza candidates.

The Workers' campaign group for the Palestinian Merdeka, which organized the protests, said it was a sign the government should take a firmer stance on limiting arms sales, and asked Lemmy to "activize what he sermons as opposition".

Although the Conservative government was previously a strong supporter of Israel's right to defend itself after the October 7 attacks, Reuters found the value of Britain's approval of a new arms license to decline sharply after the start of the war.

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