JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said that the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine will be used on students and teachers as well as ulema in Islamic boarding schools in East Java.

Jokowi said this when reviewing the implementation of mass vaccination at the Wibawa Delta Hall, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java.

"This morning I met with the East Java MUI, the ulema in the province of East Java regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine. He said that East Java is ready to be given the AstraZeneca vaccine and will soon be used in existing Islamic boarding schools", Jokowi said in the Presidential Secretariat YouTube broadcast, Monday, March 22.

Even though the AstraZeneca vaccine is in a polemic state, Jokowi appreciates the readiness of Islamic boarding schools in East Java to receive the vaccine from England.

"I think this deserves our appreciation and I have ordered the Minister of Health to immediately distribute the AstraZeneca vaccine to East Java and other provinces", said Jokowi.

Previously, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Fatwa Commission Chair, Asrorun Niam Sholeh said that his party allowed the use of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in the national vaccination program, even though the composition of the vaccine from England contained pork trypsin which is forbidden by Muslims.

"The legal provisions are that the first vaccine AstraZeneca products are haram because the production stages use trypsin from pigs", said Asrorun.

However, the head of the East Java Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Hasan Mutawakkil said that the AstraZeneca brand of COVID-19 vaccine was halal to use. This is different from the central MUI fatwa which makes AstraZeneca haram.

"The President immediately listened to the opinions and responses of the ulema, and the boarding school caregivers that the AstraZeneca vaccine is halal", said Hasan.

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