PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto denied his involvement in the alleged corruption case in the construction and maintenance of the railway line at the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA), Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

Hasto Kristiyanto said this at the PDIP DPP Office, Jakarta, Saturday.

Initially, he explained the reason why he did not attend the summons for examination from the KPK on Friday (19/7) yesterday.

Hasto admitted that he only found out about the summons.

"I myself only found out in the morning, he said a week ago, but at that time I was on duty in Jogja, received by our driver, and then there was no report, so I didn't know," said Hasto.

The man from Yogyakarta also apologized for not being able to attend the examination.

Hasto said that he was chairing a regional election meeting.

"So yesterday we really apologize, that we were unable to attend, because yesterday I chaired the regional election meeting," he said.

Hasto emphasized that he had nothing to do with the DJKA case. He also did not deny that he had worked in BUMN as a consultant.

Even so, he has not changed his status on his ID card as a consultant.

"Personally, I have nothing to do with this. There is no business, if I am referred to as a consultant, indeed on my ID card, because I used to work in BUMN, the scope was conducting, so I wrote a consultant, it has not been changed until now," explained Hasto.

Hasto said that from the information he got, the call was linked to the 2019 presidential election. At that time, Hasto was the Secretary of the Winning Team.

"Because it is related to someone providing assistance and then it is suspected that the assistance is still being investigated by the KPK, it has something to do with the corruption issue," he said.

Furthermore, Hasto ensured that he would fulfill the next KPK summons. He asked to wait for the results of the examination.

"We will attend, because from the start we have a very big commitment, to law enforcement and eradicating corruption," added Hasto.

"So we'll just have to wait for the results because I also didn't know I was asked to be a witness, but I make sure, I have nothing to do with the matter, because I don't have business," he continued.

Previously, Friday (19/7), KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto said his party had summoned Hasto in his capacity as a consultant, not a high-ranking political party.

"The examination was carried out at the Red and White KPK Building, on behalf of Hasto Kristiyanto, Consultant," Tessa said in a statement to reporters, Friday.

Tessa said the locus delicti or the place where the alleged crime of this case occurred was in East Java.

However, Tessa has not explained which suspect Hasto will be questioned as a witness.

For information, the KPK is investigating a case of alleged corruption in the construction and maintenance of the railway line at DJKA, Ministry of Transportation.

The case continues to develop because corruption is suspected to have occurred at many points for the construction of railway lines, both in Central Java, West part, East Sumatra; and Sulawesi.

The case at DJKA began with the case of PT Istana Putra Agung (IPA) Dion Renato Sugiarto who bribed the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) at the Semarang Railway Engineering Center (BTP), Bernard Hasibuan and the Head of the Semarang Class 1 BTP, Putu Sumarjaya.

The case then continued to develop until development projects in West Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi.

The bribes given varied, referring to the percentage of the project value reaching tens to hundreds of billions.

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