JAKARTA - The Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) distributed aid to journalists victims of violence in North Sumatra. This assistance is a donation from the Central PWI and all PWI administrators throughout Indonesia.

The aid was handed over directly by the Chairman of the North Sumatra PWI, Farianda Putra Sinik, accompanied by the Secretary of SR Hamonangan Panggabean and Treasurer Hartati Rangkuti, to Eva Meliani Br Pasaribu (perfect daughter Pasaribu/Wartawan Karo) and Junaidi Marpaung (Labuhan Batu journalist) at the North Sumatra PWI Office, Jalan Adinegoro No. 4 Medan, Wednesday 17 July.

Farianda Putra Sinik stated that this assistance was a form of empathy for PWI's extended family throughout Indonesia towards journalists in North Sumatra, especially in Karo and Labuhan Batu. "As soon as he heard that journalists were victims of violence to death and houses leveled to the ground, the Chairperson of the Central PWI immediately opened a caring wallet for the victims," said Farianda, who is familiarly called Nanda in a written statement received by VOI.

Nanda added that this assistance is clear evidence of PWI's empathy for journalists who experience violence. "The case of violence that befell journalists is always a concern, whether it is a member or not a member of PWI. So, PWI is not only proof of words, but also clear evidence," said Nanda. In addition to assistance, PWI has also formed a Task Force to assist and oversee this case to completion. "This is a form of attention and special attention from PWI to this case," said Nanda.

The secretary of PWI North Sumatra, SR Hamonangan Panggabean, added that the grief felt by the family in Karo and Labuhan Batu was also felt by PWI. "The proof is, since the incident occurred, the entire PWI family has not reacted," said Hamonangan, who is familiarly called Monang.

Monang explained that the reaction, apart from reporting, also went through concrete actions to help ease the burden on the families of the victims. "Whatever assistance is given, don't look at its value. This is a form of empathy for the PWI extended family as cold as agreed and ease the burden on the families of the victims. We hope this assistance can be utilized as well as possible," Monang hoped.

The legal team for the Perfect Pasaribu family from LBH Medan, Arta Sigaliling, accompanied by Ahmad Zaky, expressed his gratitude to the PWI extended family, especially the Central PWI and the North Sumatran PWI for the attention and assistance given to the family of the deceased, Perfect Pasaribu. "Say our greetings to the General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun. This assistance cannot remove the grief felt, but at least reduces the burden on the family a little," said Arta.

Arta also hopes that PWI will continue to oversee its legal process through reporting in the media, so that the authorities can be more transparent and objective in uncovering their cases.

Junaidi Marpaung, one of the beneficiaries, stated that the attention given by PWI to the events he faced became enthusiastic for himself and his family. "Thank you for this extraordinary push. I hope the case I face can be revealed soon," Junaidi hoped.

Also present at the handover of the aid were PWI Karo, Justianus Purba, Secretary Jaya Surbakti, and Rado Situngkir.

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