JAKARTA - Bunga Citra Lestari's husband (BCL) Tiko Aryawardhana denied that his client embezzled Rp6.9 billion. Through his attorney, Irfan Aghasar, he said that the funds flowed to the company.

Irfan also said that his client had evidence to refute what Tiko's ex-wife, Arina Winarto, had alleged.

"Regarding the flow of funds with the results of the audit which is used as evidence, we have discussed it one by one. We will answer where the flow goes," Irfan told reporters, Thursday, July 11, evening.

"All the needs for business capital. We one by one prove that the flow of funds is proven in a bank account," he continued.

He also explained that some of the evidence he denied to prove what Arina had alleged was not true.

"From several witnesses, Mr. Tiko, the flow of funds goes into vendor payments. So there may be several witnesses from vendors, suppliers who will testify that the payment is true to the vendor and supplier," he said.

In addition, Irfan also denied that there was abuse of office as stated by Arina. Because according to his client's statement, the money was purely for the benefit of the company.

"Nothing. In the BAP process, it was very detailed related to allegations of embezzlement in office. Pak Tiko explained that the flow of funds was purely for the benefit of the company and had no personal interests," he concluded.

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