Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) carries Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Elestianto Dardak as candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of East Java in the 2024 Pilkada.

This investigation was marked by a recommendation letter given directly by AHY to Khofifah-Emil. Previously, Khofifah also received recommendations for evictions from the Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, and PSI parties.

AHY revealed the reason for the Democrats to carry Khofifah. Apart from being paired with his cadres, Khofifah is also one of the female figures who is already known nationally.

"The track record, action, career title is extraordinary. It can be said that female politicians are the most complete in Indonesia because they have entered all lines, both in parliament and in government and in the last 5 years as Governor of East Java," said AHY at the DPP Democrat office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 10.

Meanwhile, AHY said Khofifah had also succeeded in reducing the poverty rate to increase the human development index while climbing the Governor of East Java.

"Of course this is the reason why the people of East Java are still very loved and support Mrs. Khofiah for the next 5 years," said AHY.

Meanwhile, Khofifah is optimistic that she can win the East Java gubernatorial election with the addition of support from the Democrats.

"We express our gratitude and of course, the next process is very confident that the strategic leadership of the Democratic Party will also oversee our travel process to achieve victory in the upcoming November 27 gubernatorial election," said Khofifah.

Meanwhile, Emil Dardak, who is also the Chairman of the East Java Regional Leadership Council (DPD), admitted that he would move to win Khofifah and himself in the 2024 Pilkada in East Java.

"Because we are also the DPD, the entire engine of the Democratic party in East Java, God willing, will be ready to win Mrs. Khofifah as governor," added Emil.

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