The people of Bogor Regency in West Java (West Java) can now take care of business licensing and population administration such as ID cards at the Gunung Mas Rest Area, Puncak Tourism Area.

Head of the Bogor Regency Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP), Irwan Purnawan, revealed that his party had opened public service outlets in the Gunung Mas Rest Area to bring services closer to the community in managing various needs.

He explained that no less than 20 types of services were prepared in the public service outlet, ranging from population administration to licensing consultations.

"God willing, in the future there will also be passport management, we will coordinate with Immigration. Maybe there will also be Samsat, which we will coordinate with the Bogor Police," he said in Cisarua, Bogor Regency, Monday, July 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

Public service outlets will continue to operate on Saturday and Sunday. Every day, he said, there will be staff from the relevant Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD) to serve the community.

"Today we are testing it. We will first see what the public's interest is, while we complete the supporting facilities. We hope that this rest area will not only be a place to stop, but also a destination for the community," said Irwan.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor Regency Population and Civil Registration Office (Disdukcapil) Hadijana said that the presence of Disdukcapil in the Gunung Mas Rest Area was to optimize administrative services in the southern region of Bogor Regency.

Because the Bogor Regency Disdukcapil has also provided a Regional V Technical Service Unit (UPT) in Ciawi District.

"This is to bring population service closer to the community. In the Gunung Mas Rest Area, we have also provided a recording room for ID cards," said Hadijana.

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