JAKARTA Drug and brawl cases have become the focus of the Central Jakarta Metro Police by cooperating with several related parties.

As stated by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro, that his party is focusing on the problem of brawls and drugs that often occur in their area.

"The current concern is brawls and drugs," said Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro, Friday, July 5. Susatyo admitted that the Central Jakarta Metro Police and the Sector Police had arrested several teenagers involved in a brawl using sharp weapons.

And he appealed to teenagers' parents to pay more attention to their children.

"Don't let all of our parents be busy, our children are not paying attention so that the children choose the wrong friends and make friends wrong," he said. "We constantly remind our children not to fight and take drugs. Remind our children, if necessary check our children's cellphones," he said.

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