JAKARTA - Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD assesses that the accumulation of online transportation, especially during peak hours, is one of the causes of traffic jams in Jakarta. Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Mujiyono, said that it is not uncommon for motorcycle taxi drivers and online taxis to occupy part of the road space. This often hampers the flow of traffic around it. "The behavior of driver-partners also sometimes does not heed the regulations, such as using sidewalks as parking lots, pick-up locations and irregular passenger decreases, of course causing inconvenience to users of this online transportation service and other road users," said Mujiyono in his statement, Tuesday, July 2. Deputy Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Inggad Joshua, asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to take advantage of social facilities (Fasos) and public facilities (Fasum) for shelters as a place for drivers. This shelter, according to Inggad, can be a gathering place for drivers and also wait, pick them up, and drop off passengers. The addition of shelter points in Jakarta, he continued, could unravel traffic congestion due to road occupancy by online motorcycle taxis. "There is still a lot of vacant local government land to use as shelters, but of course its use must be based on the law," said Inggad. Inggad emphasized that online transportation operators must also take responsibility by paying rent to the DKI Provincial Government for the land used as shelters.
“ How he (online transportation partner) must cooperate with local governments that have vacant places that can be rented and cooperated. So as to increase the contribution to local governments, ” ungka.

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