JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized that Afghanistan's economic development must involve women while attending a meeting on Afghanistan attended by the Taliban on Monday.

The 3rd meeting of Special Envoys for Afghanistan or the 3rd Meeting of Special Envoys on Afghanistan or Doha III was held in Doha, Qatar. This was hosted by the Secretary General of the United Nations and led by Under-Secretary General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs of the United Nations

"I need to emphasize that DFA's participation in Doha III is not at all related to the issue of recognition of DFA from the International Community, but is an effort so that inclusive dialogue with all stakeholders in Afghanistan, including DFA, can be carried out, including dialogue regarding women's rights in the context of education and work," said Foreign Minister Retno, quoted from a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tuesday, July 2.

The Doha III meeting discussed two main topics, namely Enabling the Private Sector in session I, and Counter Narcotics: Sustaining Progress Made in session II.

One of the things conveyed by Foreign Minister Retno in the first session was Indonesia's readiness to connect contact between Indonesian women's entrepreneurs and Afghanistan.

"The economy means the people, so that an inclusive economy involving women must be part of building the Afghan economy," said Foreign Minister Retno, who then proposed the formation of a Working Group specifically to discuss economic cooperation more concretely and involve relevant stakeholders in order to contribute to economic cooperation.

In the second session, Foreign Minister Retno reminded the importance of providing altenative resources for the lives of the Afghan people, as part of the policy of banning the cultivation of opium in Afghanistan which is able to reduce 95 percent of the country's circulation of opium, but poses challenges in preparing alternative livelihoods for opium farmers.

"Indonesia is committed to preparing alternative livelihoods for 2000 houses in Chaparhar District in Nangarhar Province, through support for agronomic practices that have an impact on more than 14,000 Afghans," said Foreign Minister Retno.

"Indonesia also encourages countries that have the same soil and weather character, to be able to assist the Afghan people in identifying suitable plants to be developed," he continued.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Foreign Minister Retno held a bilateral meeting with a number of representatives of friendly countries, such as Prime Minister Qatari concurrently with the Foreign Minister, namely Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani; Under Secretary General of UNmen's Carlo; UNAMA Head Roza Otunbayeva; Special Envoy of British PM for Afghanistan Andrew Mccoubrey, to Delegation Chairperson De Facto Afghanistan Authority Zabihullah Mujahid.

"In every bilateral meeting, I again emphasize Indonesia's commitment to helping the Afghan people out of a multidimensional crisis. Indonesia will continue to fight for the rights and access to education and work for women in Afghanistan. And this issue will continue to be brought by Indonesia," explained Foreign Minister Retno.

"Especially my meeting with the Qatari PM, I specifically discuss the development of the situation in Gaza, and the peace efforts that can be encouraged. Indonesia and Qatar are committed to continuing to help the struggle of the Palestinian people," he added.

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