The Riau Police's Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Direskrimsus) is investigating a case of alleged corruption at the local provincial DPRD (Setwan) Secretariat and has summoned dozens of witnesses, including the Secretary of the Board for 2020-2021, Muflihun.

"It is still in the process of being investigated. The examination was when he (Muflihun) served as Setwan of the Riau DPRD from 2020-2021," said Director of the Ditekrimsus of the Riau Police, Kombes Nasriadi, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 1.

Nasriadi explained that the examination was carried out on the employees responsible for every activity at the Setwan, while for state losses, it was still coordinated with the Supreme Audit and Development Agency (BPKP) when the case went up to the investigation process.

According to him, the investigation is related to several other official trips that are fictitious. For example, in COVID-19 in 2020, there should be no aircraft flying because the airport is closed.

"But there was a plane ticket, there was an official trip made at that time," he explained.

His party has also made efforts to confirm with airlines. As a result, it was not registered with the airline.

"We have made efforts to confirm with airlines that it is fictitious and not registered with their system. Currently, it is still in the process of being investigated," explained Nasriadi.

He explained that if all stages of the investigation had been carried out, his party would conduct a case title. This is to determine whether the case will go up to the investigation process or not.

When asked about the arrival of Muflihun during the process of summoning the investigation, he said he might be present. He could not confirm it because he was still focused on the 78th Bhayangkara Day event.

"He said it was confirmed to be present. We will likely see later. If it does not come, it will not matter because it does not stop the repair process," he said.

However, Nasriadi emphasized that if the process goes up to the investigation process and the person concerned is not present, then his party will make a pick-up effort.

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