JAKARTA - Secretary of the PKS Faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, M. Taufik Zoeklifli, asked for the names of council members, especially the DKI Jakarta DPRD, to be revealed when caught playing online gambling.

This is in response to the findings of PPATK related to more than 1,000 members of the DPR and DPRD being involved in online gambling games.

Taufik hopes that the Honorary Board (BK) of the DKI Jakarta DPRD can actively search for data on council members who play online gambling.

"The DPRD's Honorary Agency has the right to obtain the data and then follow up," Taufik told reporters, Monday, July 1.

Taufik assessed that the reason the council members played online gambling was not because of economic problems or wanted an increase in income, but because they were addicted.

This, according to him, injures their ethics as representatives of the people who must focus on carrying out their legislative functions, such as supervising the use of local government budgets.

Therefore, if a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD is caught playing online gambling, he suggests that the person concerned be fired and replaced by a new member of the council by his faction

"In the rules, yes, the DPRD's rules must be clearly included that acts that violate the law such as gambling, maybe alcohol, prostitution is something that cannot be tolerated. Members of the DPRD must be fired," explained Taufik.

Previously, PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavandana said that thousands of DPR and DPRD members were involved in online gambling. PPATK noted that there were around 63,000 transactions with a deposit value of almost Rp. 25 billion, and a round of money of up to hundreds of billions.

This information was conveyed by Ivan during a working meeting of the head of PPATK with Commission III of the DPR in Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 26.

At first, Ivan explained about the position of PPATK in the Online Judi Eradication Task Force. PPATK conducts an analysis related to transactions that are strongly suspected of being related to online gambling.

"Indeed, the most massive developments occurred around 2019, 2020, 2021. In 2017 we found funds of around Rp. 2.1 trillion, then 2018 developed 100 percent, in 2019 3.85 percent grew more than 100 percent again. In 2020 to 15.77 percent, more than 100 percent grew in 2021 and then the most massive was 2021 to 2022, Rp. 57 trillion to Rp. 104 trillion. Then growing in 2023 alone we found a transaction figure related to this judol of Rp. 327 trillion," Ivan said in a meeting.

In the first quarter of this year, PPATK found transactions of more than Rp. 101 trillion related to online gambling. Of the number of transactions that are PPATK analysis, the total has reached 400 million transactions in 2024 alone.

"Until this month alone, we have found more than 60 million transactions. The question is whether this is related to all groups? Yes," explained Ivan.

Ivan then revealed various professions that have been involved in online gambling. One of them, legislative members both at the regional and central levels, has been found as many as 1,000 members of the DPR and DPRD.

"We are talking about professions, like Mr. Habiburokhman earlier, are there any central and regional legislatures? Yes, we found more than 1000 people," said Ivan.

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