JAKARTA - A number of religious leaders expressed their hopes on Bhayangkara's 78th Anniversary so that the National Police would be more loved by the community, close to the community, provide services, protect and enforce fair laws.

"Hopefully the big family of the National Police will continue to try to find new ways to realize this very good motto, hopefully, the big family of the National Police will be known by the community as an institution that truly protects, protects and serves the community," said Jakarta Archbishop Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Sunday, June 30.

According to him, the National Police has tried to carry out their duties, protect, and protect the community, such as during the implementation of safe and comfortable homecoming for the community.

The public appreciates the implementation of homecoming carried out by the National Police through a poll. From the results of the Indonesian Political Indicators survey, the level of satisfaction jumped sharply to 90.4 percent compared to last year, which was 82.50 percent. Residents are most satisfied with traffic regulation, namely, 78.9 percent.

In addition, he said, from the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey conducted in June 2024, the National Police together with the TNI ranks at the top as the institution with the best image.

The trend of public trust in the National Police continues to increase to 73.1 percent in June 2024. These results have increased from the previous Kompas Research and Development survey, namely in August 2023 at 66 percent and December 2023 at 71.6 percent.

"Hopefully it will be more respected and loved by the community because of its role in our beloved country. Thank you, may God bless, greetings to Pancasila," said Suharyo.

A similar hope was also conveyed by the General Chairperson of Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI) Major General TNI (Ret.) Wisnu Bawa Tenaya.

"I wish you a happy 78th Bhayangkara Day. I hope that the Police of the Republic of Indonesia will be more loved by the people," said Wisnu.

In this year's Bhayangkara Day celebration, the National Police took the theme Precision Police Supporting the Acceleration of Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation Towards Golden Indonesia.

"Let's succeed in an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation for Indonesia gold. Greetings to precision," said Wisnu.

In the celebration of the 78th Bhayangkara Day, the National Police held a number of agendas ranging from fun walks, social services, health services to competitions, both internally and in the community. Later the peak of the celebration will be the Bhayangkara Day ceremony on July 1, 2024.

All agendas carried out by the National Police are in the context of Bhayangkara Day to be closer and loved by the community, as well as strengthen unity and integrity.

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