JAKARTA - The Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque KH Nasaruddin Umar hopes that the 78th Bhayangkara Day will make the Indonesian National Police (Polri) more professional and proactive in carrying out their duties.

"Happy 78th Bhayangkara Day. Hopefully, our future police world will be more proactive and more professional in carrying out its duties," said Nasaruddin through a statement, Sunday, June 30.Nasaruddin invites the public to participate in the success of an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation for Golden Indonesia. This, he continued, is in accordance with the Bhayangkara Day theme which was held this year. "Let's succeed in an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation for Golden Indonesia. Precision greetings," he said. At the 78th age, said Nasaruddin, the National Police continues to transform into a better and loved institution. society. To note, the Police also continue to transform into a better and loved institution. society.

The results of the latest survey by Litbang Kompas stated that 73.1 percent of the community considered the image of the National Police to be very positive. This figure continues to increase where in August 2023 the figure was 66.8 percent, and then in December 2023 it was 71 percent. In the celebration of the 78th Bhayangkara Day, the National Police held a number of agendas ranging from fun walks, social services, health services to competitions for both internal and community, the peak of celebrations will be the Bhayangkara Day ceremony on July 1. All agendas carried out by the National Police in the context of Bhayangkara Day to be closer and loved by the community, as well as strengthen unity and integrity.

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