SamARINDA - The carcass of a male endemic fish in East Kalimantan, pesut mahasam (Orcaella brevirostris) found in the Mahakam river, Samarinda, Friday (21/6), is currently still in the autopsy process.

"The protected freshwater magazine is thought to have just died hours before it was discovered, because its body has not shown any signs of decay," said researcher from the Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia Conservation Foundation (RASI) Danielle Kreb in Samarinda as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 26.

According to him, the carcass of the pesut malayam fish is a serious concern, because this is the death of the fourth investigator recorded in 2024.

"The cause of death of this investigation is still unknown with certainty. We are still too early to conclude anything because later there will be laboratory analysis as well. About 3-4 weeks maybe the results will come out," he explained.

To find out the cause of the investigation, the pesut carcass was taken to the fisheries laboratory at Mulawarman University (Unmul) for necropsy.

"We need to understand the cause in order to prevent similar incidents in the future," added Danielle.

Pesut ini dikhutifikasi sebagai kode "3", yang menunjukkan diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui penyebab pastinya.

Danielle said that the death of the mahayam investigator is a reminder of the importance of preserving the endemic species of East Kalimantan. Currently, there are only about 67 mahayam protesters along the Mahakam River.

Head of the Conservation Section Region II Tenggarong of the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of East Kalimantan, Suyawati Halim, said that her party would cooperate with the Unmul Fisheries Faculty to conduct an autopsy, collect data, and analyze the results.

"We need to immediately investigate the cause of death of this protester," he said.

Suyawati said this is not the first time a investigator has been found dead in East Kalimantan. Previously, similar cases were recorded in Bangun City and Tenggarong. This death must be followed up seriously to identify what caused his death.

"It is hoped that with an in-depth investigation, the cause of death of this investigator can be known and appropriate preventive measures can be taken to protect this species from extinction," he said.

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