MUKOMUKO - The Regional Personnel, Education, and Training Agency of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province revealed that online gambling is one of the causes of the state civil apparatus (ASN) divorce from their partner. "Every year there are two ASN who divorce from their partners due to economic difficulties, and also one of the causes is online gambling,” said Mukomuko Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) official Niko Hafri in Mukomuko, Antara, Wednesday, June 26. In addition to economic difficulties, and there are also ASN women who sue for divorce from their partners due to domestic violence (KDRT). Dalam proses pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh pihaknya, alasan pihak yang menggugat cerai pasangan tidak tertulis di berita acara acaranya. Nevertheless, he said, when they conveyed information to the agency, he himself said that the cause was online gambling, making the economy difficult. "When the plaintiff gave a verbal statement, he said online gambling was a factor until he finally sued for divorce from his partner," he said. Based on data on the number of ASNs who sued for divorce from their partners in 2022 as many as 15 people, but from dozens of ASNs there was a potential reference. Then the number of ASN who sued for divorce from their partner in 2023 was five people who divorced, then in 2024 or until June 26, 2024, there were three ASN who divorced, two of whom were still in process. He said that in handling the ASN case that filed for divorce from a partner, his agency was obliged to provide guidance to this ASN. His party always provides guidance so that ASN who sues for divorce from their partner withdraws their lawsuit, but all of that goes back to the ASN personally.
"We have made various ways to reconcile the ASN who sued for divorce from their partner," he said.

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