TANGERANG Police claimed to have carried out a raid at the residence of MDP (27), the head of the Lentera Festival 2024 (TNG Lenfest) committee who allegedly took away artist money, causing a stage burning at Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.

Kapolsek Pasar Kemis, AKP Ucu Nuryandi said his party had carried out a raid at his home in the Sukatanj area, Rajeg, Tangerang Regency. However, said Ucu, MDP is suspected of running away.

"He has run away," Ucu said when confirmed, Wednesday, June 26.

In fact, continued Ucu, his family had also left his residence. However, the police are still searching for MDP.

"It's empty. Here's the family and parents," he said.

Until now, the police have examined a number of witnesses in this case.

"We have examined five witnesses from EO and three members of the music concert organizing committee," he concluded.

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