The Kremlin-backed Dagestan leader ordered an examination of the Russian republic's political elite to ensure no one had ties to radical groups following the weekend attacks that killed 21 people.

The attack, the third serious event in Russia this year related to Islamic militants, made President Vladimir Putin dizzy, who said his country needed to focus its resources on winning the war in Ukraine.

"I have ordered that the personal affairs of all those who occupy leadership positions in Dagestan be studied and examined, including representatives of the people's assembly (local parliament). We will do so in several stages," Melikov told lawmakers.

Melikov's decision reflects fears the Dagestan political elite had been infiltrated by radical Islamic groups after two gunmen were identified as the sons of a local official.

Another person has had an affiliation in the past with the pro-Kremlin party, and another gunman was identified as a relative of an armed man. a former senior official.

Former Kremlin adviser Sergei Markov accused the attack of showing Dagestan's elite had been "infected" by radical groups.

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