JAKARTA - The police have the identity of a supplier of methamphetamine to musician Virgoun Tambunan Putra (VTP) and a woman with the initials PA.
"We have pocketed the identity of those who gave methamphetamine-type narcotics to VTP brothers and PA sisters," said Head of the Drug Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga to reporters quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, June 22.
Until now, the Police are still hunting for the narcotics suppliers to Virgoun and PA.
"Currently we are pursuing. We ask for prayers so that we can secure this person and we can develop this case," said Panjiyoga.
Virgoun and PA were arrested in the Ampera area, South Jakarta, on Thursday (20/6) at around 01.00 WIB at the VTP boarding house with evidence in the form of a clip of methamphetamine and a suction device.
"Following who gave the methamphetamine to the two people we arrested," Panjiyoga told reporters in Jakarta on Friday (21/6).
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