JAKARTA - The Ukrainian drone hit an Ilsky oil refinery in Russia's southern Krasnodar region. Two people were injured and a small fire broke out as a result of this incident.

The Ilsky refinery is one of the main fuel producers in southern Russia, with the capacity to purify 6.6 million tonnes of crude oil (132,000 barrels per day) per year.

The local district head, Andrei Doroshevsky, said that through the Telegram messaging application, the fire had been successfully extinguished.

"Tonight, civil infrastructure in our region was the target of a massive attack by the Kyiv criminal regime," he said as reported by Reuters, Friday, June 21.

According to him, the drone also damaged the administrative building at the Ilsky oil refinery. The factory was attacked by drones in February 2024.

Separately, the local government said on Friday that the fire had been extinguished at oil depots in the Tambov and Rostov regions.

drone attacks on large fuel depots across Russia have escalated in recent days. Meanwhile, attacks on oil refineries, whose operations have had a much larger impact on global oil markets and prices, have eased.

Ukraine says Russia's energy installation was a legitimate target as it supported Moscow's war efforts at the time Russian attacks hit Ukrainian cities and infrastructure.

The Russian attack on Wednesday, June 19 evening, damaged energy infrastructure in four Ukrainian regions, Ukraine's energy ministry said, injuring three workers and cutting off electricity to customers.

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