JAKARTA The police claimed to have evidence of a brutal attack carried out by a group of youths on Jampung Jati Selatan Street, RW 08, Jatinegara Kaum Village, Pulogadung, East Jakarta. Through this evidence, his party has pocketed a number of identities of the perpetrators who are currently being chased.

The identified perpetrators came from outside the village. Because the residents around the scene of the incident did not recognize the face of the perpetrator. However, there are still several perpetrators whose faces are recognized.

"I recognized some (the perpetrator's face) from CCTV footage, if no one knew the abuse. If it was during the vandalism and he attacked, someone knew," said N, one of the eyewitnesses to the incident to VOI at the location, Friday, June 21, morning.

Pulogadung Police Chief, Kompol Sutrisno said the development of the brawl case that caused one victim to die, his party had coordinated with the Tiga Pilar ranks along with local community leaders and RT/RW administrators.

"We are making efforts, how to include the community to uncover this case so that it becomes clear. The perpetrators are still being hunted," said Police Commissioner Sutrisno.

The police chief also asked other communities to help provide information regarding the whereabouts of the perpetrators.

"We are in the process. We have held a meeting with the Danramil, Camat, Lurah, then RT/RW, and other community leaders including LMK and FKDM," he said.

Previously, it was reported that F (30), a young man from South Jati Village, died after being beaten with a sharp weapon by a group of people.

The incident occurred on Jalan Kampung Jati Selatan, RW 08, Jatinegara Kaum Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta.

"The victim with the initials F, aged 30 years. He was injured in the head because he was stabbed," said the man with the initials N, an eye witness to the incident to VOI, Thursday, June 20.

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