JAKARTA - The daily chairman of Gerindra, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, responded to the attitude of the Golkar Party which suddenly relaxed to carry Ridwan Kamil in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. This is because Ridwan Kamil's electability is higher in West Java than in Jakarta.

As a political party that encourages Ridwan Kamil to run in the Jakarta Pilkada, Gerindra has no problem with Golkar's attitude. However, Dasco was a little surprised because Golkar also agreed on Ridwan Kamil for the Jakarta Pilkada in the meeting of the Indonesian Forward Coalition (KIM) political parties.

"Actually, I don't just say Gerindra. It was a coalition party meeting, including Golkar who joined. So that's all. I don't know which one said Golkar," said Dasco, Thursday, June 20.

Previously, Golkar Deputy Chairman Ahmad Doli Kurnia said his party asked for more time to decide whether Ridwan Kamil would run in the Jakarta gubernatorial election or not. Because Doli said, Ridwan Kamil's survey in Jakarta decreased after the emergence of the incumbent name Anies Baswedan.

Dasco explained that Gerindra agreed to carry Ridwan Kamil because the former governor of West Java himself was willing to run in the Jakarta Pilkada.

"So it's like this, that then the electability of RK in West Java is higher, that's what it is at this time. But please check that at that time it was Mr. Ridwan Kamil who asked to run for Jakarta," he explained.

However, the Deputy Speaker of the DPR does not mind if Golkar later decides to cancel applying for Ridwan for the Jakarta Pilkada to the coalition political parties. According to him, Ridwan Kamil's candidacy in Jakarta is not a fixed price.

"Yes, there is no problem. So I mean that it was a decision to advance Kang Ridwan Kamil at that time, it was a coalition meeting talk, including Golkar," said Dasco.

"Well, then there are things that must be considered, yes, this is called the dynamics that may also be discussed. We are not a dead card, Mr. Ridwan Kamil must," he concluded.

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