JAKARTA - The peace summit in Ukraine, which lasted two days in Burgenstock, Switzerland, ended on Sunday 16 June 2024 with the ratification of the final declaration.

More than 90 countries attended the negotiations, but the joint communication was supported by only 80 countries and four organizations.

A total of 16 countries and organizations, including Indonesia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, India, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates abstain.

In his closing speech at the plenary session, Swiss President Viola Amherd said that despite their different views "successfully agreed on a common vision."

"We have set the vision in the Burgenstock Communique," Amherd said.

"We hereby send clear signals to the Ukrainian people and all those directly affected by the war: Most of the international community have a desire to bring change," he said.

He said that, with the final declaration, countries had established frameworks and further discussions had to be made.

Amherd mentioned three topics that countries will strive for. "First, every use of nuclear energy and nuclear installation must be safe, protected, and environmentally friendly."

Second, food security should not be armed in any way. Attacks on merchant ships on ports and along routes, as well as on civilian ports and civilian port infrastructure, are unacceptable, he said.

Third, all prisoners of war must be released through full exchange. All Ukrainian children who were deported and illegally transferred, as well as all other Ukrainian civilians who were illegally detained, must be returned to Ukraine.

'Peace requires engagement and dialogue between all parties'

In the joint declaration, supporting countries said they exchanged "effective, comprehensive, and constructive views towards a comprehensive, fair and lasting peace framework, based on international law, including the UN Charter."

"In particular, we reaffirm our commitment to refrain from threats or the use of force against regional integrity or political independence of any country, the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries," the statement read.

"... including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders, including territorial waters, as well as dispute resolutions through peaceful means as principles of international law," the statement continued.

However, they underlined that achieving peace "chaotic engagement and dialogue between all parties."

They also agreed on a common vision on various issues, including the use of nuclear energy and nuclear installations, global food security and war prisoners.

"Use of nuclear energy and nuclear installation must be safe, protected, and environmentally friendly," according to the declaration.

"The Ukrainian nuclear power installation plant, including the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, must operate safely and securely...

"... under the full control of Ukraine's sovereignty and in line with the principles of the IAEA and under its supervision," the declaration said.

Regarding global security, it is emphasized that global food security depends on the unbroken production and supply of food products.

"In this case, free, full and secure commercial navigation, as well as access to marine ports in the Black Sea and Azov Sea, are critical," according to the declaration.

"Attacks on merchant ships at ports and along routes, as well as against civilian ports and civilian port infrastructure, are unacceptable," the declaration read.

The declaration stated that food security should not be used as weapons in any way."

And finally, according to the declaration, prisoners of war "must be freed at full exchange."

"All Ukrainian children who were deported and illegally transferred, as well as all other Ukrainian civilians who were illegally detained, must be returned to Ukraine," the declaration added.

The Ukraine peace summit was held with the aim of finding a "joint understanding" of the path to peace, but was not attended by Russia and China.

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