Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi officially opened the football tournament for the Central Java Police Chief Cup U-40 at the Citarum Stadium in Semarang, Saturday afternoon, June 15. The tournament was attended by 16 teams from various regions, featuring football players aged 40 years and over, making it a unique and interesting competition.

In his remarks, the Central Java Police Chief emphasized that football is the sport most popular with the Indonesian people.

He stated that this tournament was not just a match, but also a means to strengthen communication, a sense of unity, and unity, as well as to support economic improvement in the Central Java region, especially Semarang.

"Football is a means of unity and integrity through sports activities," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in a statement received on Saturday, June 15.

As a sign of the tournament's official kick-off, the Central Java Police Chief symbolically handed the ball over to the referee. This moment marked the start of the Central Java Police Chief's U-40 soccer tournament.

The chairman of the committee, Yudanto Roesgijanto, explained that this tournament is scheduled to take place from June 15 to July 7, 2024.

"The committee provided a total prize of Rp. 25 million and various attractive door prizes as part of a series of activities, which began with joint gymnastics sessions," he concluded.

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