The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) is still investigating an embezzlement case related to the beating of the car rental boss to death in Sukolilo, Pati, Central Java.

It should be noted that before B was beaten to death by Sukolilo residents because he was accused of being a car thief, B had already reported a case of embezzlement at the East Jakarta Metro Police.

"Until now, we are still carrying out investigation activities," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Armunanto when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, June 13.

Even though they have pocketed the identity of the embezzlement perpetrator, the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim has not yet issued a People's Wanted List (DPO) and the arrest of the perpetrator of embezzlement of a rental car with the initials RP.

"(The perpetrator) has not been arrested," he said.

The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit formed a team from the ranmor unit to participate in handling cases of car embezzlement which resulted in the death of the victim with the initials B.

It was later discovered that B was a rental car entrepreneur from Jakarta. Before B found his car in Sukolilo, Pati, Central Java, the victim had made a report of embezzlement of his car at the East Jakarta Metro Police.

"Regarding the case that happened to victim B in Pati, on June 10, 2024, the East Jakarta Metro Police have sent 4 members of the ranmor unit to coordinate with the Pati Police to jointly handle the case that befell the victim," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly told reporters, Wednesday, June 12.

The case report was reported by victim B on February 21, 2024. Meanwhile, the fraud incident occurred 1 year ago, on November 2, 2023, to be precise.

The incident began when a reported person with the initials RP contacted victim B to rent a car at the victim B's rental company in the East Jakarta area.

"Previously the RP in August had rented a car, then in November the reported party had not paid the rent for two months. And only paid for one month. So that towards the end of the rental, the victim called the reported party but the number reported was not active and finally the victim checked the GPS in the rented car and found the car had been rented RP to someone in the Banten area," said Kombes Nicolas.

After knowing the car was in Banten, the victim had time to go to Banten but the vehicle had changed numbers and was held by someone else.

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