BANGLI - A baby girl was found in the yard of a resident in Songan B Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali.

The baby was found on Nyepi Day, Sunday, March 14, at around 06.00 Central Indonesia Time.

"The discovery of a female baby," said Head of Public Relations of Bangli Police, Inspector Wayan Sudiarsa, Monday, March 15.

This baby girl was found by a witness named Ni Kasih. The baby was found wrapped in a cloth and stained with blood.

The discovery of this baby was reported to the head of the hamlet until the police came to the Kintamani V health center.

"The discovered baby got medical treatment, after an examination by the medical team it was declared that the baby in good health. Now he is staying at the Kintamani V Public Health Center," said Sudiarsa.

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