JAKARTA - Thousands of masses from various regions gathered in the Horse Statue area, Gambir, Central Jakarta. In this peaceful action, many parents brought their toddlers to teach religious knowledge in the field.

One of the participants in the action, Ilham (33) said that he brought toddlers and wives to teach religious knowledge about concern for fellow Muslims and Palestinians.

"The point is, I want to teach religious knowledge to care for fellow Muslims, especially Palestinians," said Ilham when met at the Horse Statue, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Sunday, June 9.

He admitted that he had invited his toddlers to take part in this peaceful demonstration 5 times. Ilham said that his toddler did not cry or asked to go home in this action. Instead, he felt happy, because of the large number of people.

"I've participated in this action 5 times. Don't cry about it. In fact, I'm happy to join in like this," he said

For information, the Palestinian Defense action was held at the Horse Statue, Gambir, Central Jakarta. The action took place since Sunday, June 9, at 15.00 WIB.

The crowd that gathers is not only attended by young people and parents. However, it is followed by the elderly to disabilities.

Thousands of personnel have been alerted by the Central Jakarta Metro Police. The goal is to prevent unwanted things.

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