JAKARTA - The family of the convict Sudirman and his attorney Titin Prialianti in the murder case of Vina Dewi Arsita alias Vina Cirebon, visited the office of the National Leadership Council of the Indonesian Advocates Association (DPN Peradi) in East Jakarta, Friday, June 7, to ask Peradi for legal protection.

"We will provide free legal assistance to Sudirman," said Chairman of DPN Peradi, Otto Hasibuan at Peradi Tower, East Jakarta, Friday, June 7.

Otto said he received the arrival of the Sudirman family, and they complained about the irregularities in the Vina Cirebon case.

Sudirman himself has been sentenced to life by the Cirebon District Court (PN), West Java.

Meanwhile, from the results of the meetings, discussions, and evidence provided, continued Otto, Peradi is ready to provide free legal assistance to Sudirman.

However, his party will examine more in this case and will meet Sudirman because to become a legal representative, he must get power from the person concerned.

"We will provide free legal assistance to Sudirman, with a note that it is Sudirman who gives power, of course, it must be Sudirman," he said.

In a meeting with Sudirman's family and Titin, his party asked where Sudirman is currently. However, the family did not know for sure because it was reported that they had been taken to the West Java Regional Police for questioning.

"We will also check whether it is in prison or elsewhere. In our opinion, if it is in other places, it is certainly not appropriate, there must be something that is not in accordance with the law. We will try to check it, because after all we cannot act further for Sudirman's benefit if Sudirman himself does not give Peradi power," he said.

DPN Peradi itself will soon form a team to handle the case that befell Sudirman. It is possible that the team from PBH Peradi Pusat, DPC Peradi Bandung, and DPC Peradi Cirebon will involve.

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