TANGERANG The Tangerang Metro Police arrested one suspect in a criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO) related to the death of Cici, a household assistant (PRT) who died after jumping from the 3rd floor of her employer's house, in Cimone Permai, Tangerang City.

As previously known and reported, the late Cici was a domestic worker for TIP victims. He is 16 years old but changed by the suspect to 22 years old to deserve work.

Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said, H alias RT or familiarly called Babeh, is the operational target (TO) that is included in the wanted list (DPO). Babeh was arrested in an area in Rawa Sawah Village, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, June 5, evening.

Previously, the police had arrested three perpetrators with the initials J, K and L for the TIP case. Not long after, the police again arrested one DPO with the initials H. So that the total number of perpetrators who have been arrested is four people, while the perpetrator with the initials AN is still being hunted by his party.

From H's arrest, 40 blank ID cards were confiscated, 70 transparent stickers, scissors, a used gasoline bottle to clean the base of the ID card, 6 banners that read "Service KTP Buram-SIM-KTA-KIS-NPWP-KIA, and a sickle or knife," said Zain in his statement, Thursday, June 6.

The role of suspect H as the maker of the fake ID card requested by suspect J. However, he received an order through suspect K in exchange for Rp250-300 thousand.

"Furthermore, suspect K contacted suspect H alias RT or Badminton to make a fake ID card in exchange for Rp. 250 thousand," he said.

To Babeh officers, they admitted that they had made fake ID cards 20 times to be given to their colleague, K.

"The only way is to send a photo and family card via WhatsApp message," he said

Meanwhile, suspect J acts as a distributor and prepares a fake ID card for Cici whose age has been changed to adulthood.

Then for K is the person who helps make fake ID cards with a reward of IDR 300 thousand.

"K helps create a new KTP in the name of the victim in exchange for Rp300 thousand in cash," he said.

Meanwhile, L is Cici's employer. He was suspected of physically and psychologically abused, so the victim decided to jump from the 3rd floor of his house.

For their actions, they were charged with Article 2 of Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning human trafficking, Article 76 in conjunction with Article 88 or Article 76 in conjunction with Article 80 of Law No. 35 of 2014 as amended to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, Article 44 or 45 of Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence, Article 68 in conjunction with Article 185 of Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, and or Article 263 of the Criminal Code or Article 264 of the Criminal Code and or Article 333 of the Criminal Code.

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