TANGERANG The Cici (16) incident fell from the 3rd floor of his employer's house in Cimone, Tangerang, on Wednesday, May 29. He was desperate to jump because he was thought to be unable to stand the attitude of his employer who often abused him.

Cici, is a minor who works as a household support (PRT). In terms of age, it is not sufficient. But there are people who make Cici's age on identity cards (KTP) change to 22 years. Standard age deserves work.

At first glance, regarding the chronology of the Cici jumping from the 3rd floor. Cici was found by residents lying not far from her employer's house. Cici's condition, which is somewhat pathetic, made residents immediately take her to the nearest hospital, Tiara Hospital, Tangerang City.

Due to limited medical equipment, Cici was referred to the Tangerang Regency Hospital. There, Cici received medical assistance from doctors.

The police also conducted an investigation. As a result, it was known that Cici was a victim of a criminal act of selling people (TPPO). Not only that, but Cici's employer was also examined in connection with the tragic incident.

During seven days of treatment, doctors stated that Cici's life could not be saved. The minor died with injuries on a number of bodies.

Tangerang Metro Police Chief Kombes Zain Dwi Nugoroho, as well as a medical team from the Tangerang District Hospital, gave an official statement in front of journalists.

It was explained that the victim of Cici died from injuries and serious injuries. And, Cici's employer became a suspect in the case of abuse. Not only that, the person who turned the age of Cici to 22 years was also arrested.

So that in this case the police have named 3 people as suspects. 2 other people involved in this incident are still being searched, with the status of the wanted list (DPO).

For suspect J, he acts as a distributor and prepares a fake ID card for Cici whose age has been changed to adulthood. Then for K, he is the person who helps make fake ID cards in exchange for IDR 300 thousand. L is Cici's employer who commits physical and psychological violence so that the victim decides to jump from the 3rd floor of his house.

"It is suspected that L has committed physical and psychological violence against the victim. So the victim was depressed and tried to escape. At the time above (3rd floor) he tried to escape, but there was no other way. Finally, Cici jumped down so that she was injured, either it was broken in her legs and back," explained Kombes Zain, Wednesday, June 5.

"We are pursuing 2 people suspected of being involved in this crime," said Zain.

Zain said the two DPOs had the initials RT and AN. However, he admitted that he did not know the roles of the two perpetrators, therefore his party is still pursuing the two suspects.

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