JAKARTA - The amount of loss in the alleged embezzlement case in the position involving Bunga Citra Lestari's husband (BCL), Tiko Aryawardhana, did not reach Rp6.9 billion.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro, explained that his party had conducted an external audit so that he could say that the loss suffered by the victim did not reach Rp6.9 billion.

"For the total reported loss of Rp. 6.9 billion. However, from the audit results, the amount is not like that," said AKBP Bintoro to reporters, Tuesday, June 4.

However, Bintoro has not been able to convey the actual amount of losses. He admitted that he was still investigating.

Arina Winarto alias AW reported her ex-husband, Tiko Aryawardhana, who is now BCL's husband. Tiko was reported on suspicion of embezzlement in office.

Arina Winarto's legal adviser, Leo Siregar, said the loss from his client reached Rp. 6.9 billion.

He explained that the incident began when Arina and Tiko decided to establish a company called PT Arjuna Advaya Sanjaya (AAS) which is engaged in food and beverage.

"Initially our client and Tiko decided to establish a company engaged in food and beverage, where at that time our client became a commissioner, while Tiko became Director. But for the company's capital, it was entirely from our clients," Leo said in a press release quoted on Tuesday, June 4.

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