Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen appreciated Agustina Felle, a teacher at SDN Komba, whose house is used as a place to study for children dropping out of school in the area.

"I appreciate what Agustina Felle's teacher did who collaborated with the Jayapura Police Bhabinkamtibmas to teach reading and writing for children who dropped out of school," said Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen in Sentani, Papua, Sunday.

He said that Agustina Felle's activities by facilitating children who dropped out of school must be supported.

Moreover, the Jayapura Police have a Writing and Writing Movement Program (Gabus), so that it can be done together so that children who drop out of school can smoothly read and write.

From the reports received, he said, there were 18 children who dropped out of school who participated in reading and writing at Agustina Felle's house.

Currently, he continued, there are four Gabus students who are ready to take the Package C exam and hope that in the future more people will be able to participate.

Agustina Felle's teacher who teaches at SD Negeri Komba, Jayapura Regency, Papua, admitted that she was happy and quite proud to be together with Bhabinkamtibmas to catch children dropping out of school to learn to read and write.

"Our hope is that we can eliminate illiteracy and create a superior Papuan generation, so that they can compete in the future," said Agustina Felle.

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