The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has named six suspects in the criminal act of uamg or TPPU in the case of alleged corruption in the tin commodity trading system for the Mining Business Permit (IUP) PT Timah Tbk from 2015 to 2022.

Dua dari enam tersangka TPPU tersebut yakni Helena Lim dan Harvey Moeis yang merupakan suami dari Sandra Dewi.

"Regarding the TPPU suspect, 6 suspects have been named," said Director of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Dirdik Jampidsus), Kuntadi to reporters, Wednesday, May 29.

In this case, crazy rich Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), Helena Lim, is the Manager of PT Quantum Skyline Exchange (QSE). Meanwhile, Harvey Moeis is an extension of PT Refined Bangka Tin (RBT).

Meanwhile, for the other four suspects, President Director of PT Sariwiguna Bina Sentosa, Robert Indarto; Commissioner of PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa, Sugito Gunawan; beneficial ownership of CV Venus Inti Perkasa (VIP), Tamron alias Aon; and President Director of PT RBT, Suparta.

In the case of alleged tin corruption, the Attorney General, Sanitiar Burhanuddin, said that the state losses caused based on the results of the BPKP audit reached Rp. 300.003 trillion.

"Initially we estimated Rp271 trillion, it turns out that after being audited the BPKP, the value was quite fantastic, around Rp300,003 trillion," said Burhanuddin.

In the planting of the alleged tin corruption case, the AGO has named 21 suspects.

Some of them are Sandra Dewi's husband, Harvey Moeis, crazy rich Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) Helena Lim, and the founder of airline Sriwijaya Air Hendry Lie.

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