JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party proposed the name Budisatrio Djiwandono to run in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. Budi's name is also widely discussed about being paired with the Indonesian artist, Raffi Ahmad.

Responding to this, the Chairman of the Democratic Party BPOKK, Herman Khaeron, admitted that he knew Prabowo Subianto's nephew, who now serves as Deputy Head of the Gerindra Party. Moreover, Herman and Budi both had served as leaders of Commission IV of the DPR.

However, do the Democratic Party want to support Budisatrio? Herman Khaeron said his party would wait for the coalition political party's decision for the Jakarta Pilkada later.

"I know Budi because he used to be in Commission IV with me, and his partner Raffi Ahmad, I think he is a famous person. But later who will be determined by the coalition, just wait," said Herman Khaeron, Wednesday, May 29.

Herman admitted that political communication between political parties in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) namely Democrats, Gerindra, PAN and Golkar is still ongoing. The parties, he said, are currently discussing the Pilkada issue.

However, according to Herman, the discussion has not yet reached the election of candidates for governor and deputy governor who will be promoted.

"If political communication continues, communication between our top brass continues. In fact, we also meet, m. I also met from other parties, discussing, discussing, yes, it is daily activities, daily political activities carried out as politicians. Because what is being discussed at this time is related to the Pilkada issue," he said.

The issue of Budisatrio Djiwandono and Raffi Ahmad being paired in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada was widely discussed after the daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, shared a photo of the two on social media.

Dasco also admitted that the uploaded photo of Prabowo Subianto and Sultan Andara's nephews was only to map out the opportunities for regional head candidates carried by Gerindra.

"It doesn't matter, it's normal. Wave tests," said Dasco, Tuesday, May 28.

When asked by Budi and Raffi about the opportunity to run for the Jakarta gubernatorial election, Dasco was reluctant to reveal it. He said, it was just checking the waves to pair the two beautiful men.

"I don't know where to do it, just test the waves, I'm still trying to get handsome people," said the Deputy Speaker of the DPR.

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