JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will appeal against the decision of the Jakarta Corruption Court Judge which acquitted Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh. They cannot accept the considerations submitted. "The prosecutor must appeal and forward the main case," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata to reporters, Tuesday, May 28. "Perhaps cases that are currently in the process of going up to prosecution are also stopped if other judges also have the same opinion or the KPK prosecutor accepts the judge's decision," he continued. Alexander said the judge should have read Article 51 of the KPK Law. There it was stated that the Director of Prosecution and Prosecutor of the KPK was appointed by the head of the anti-corruption commission instead of the Attorney General.. "Maybe the judge has not read the KPK Law," he said. Previously, the Jakarta Corruption Court ordered the KPK to release Supreme Court Judge Gazalba Saleh in a trial held today, Monday, May 27. This order arose after the proposed exception was granted.., one, granting an objection note from the legal advisor team of the defendant Gazalba Saleh, "said the Panel of Judges of Fahzal Hendri.

This exception was granted because the judge assessed that the prosecutor at the KPK had not received an appointment from the Attorney General. Thus, the indictment submitted cannot be accepted.Gazalba is also known to have also been acquitted of accepting bribes for case management at the Supreme Court (MA) worth 110 thousand Singapore dollars. At that time, the indictment against him was not proven by the Bandung Corruption Court.

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