JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is not willing to comment on criticism of the government submitted at the V PDI-P National Working Meeting because he views it as internal to the party.

"I think it is internal to the party. So, internal to the PDI-P. I will not comment," said Jokowo, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 27.

Previously, PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri delivered a political speech at the opening of the PDI-P National Working Meeting V in Jakarta, Friday (24/5).

In his speech, Megawati talked about various things starting from populist authoritarian leaders, talking about birth reform to realize a democratic law state, to the revision of the Constitutional Court Law and the broadcasting law.

Regarding the revision of the Constitutional Court Law, Megawati said that the revision of the law seemed sudden with incorrect procedures.

He also mentioned the revision of the Broadcasting Law which was considered to violate the essence of investigative journalism products.

Megawati also touched on the legal issue that became the correct tool for power ambitions or commonly called experts with the term autocratic legalism (autocratic legalism).

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