TANGERANG Director of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa, explained that the elected Aceh Tamiang DPRK candidate, Sofyan, had known that he was the target of the police operation (TO) for the arrest of S alias G, RAF and IA, in cases of methamphetamine-type drugs weighing 70 Kilograms (Kg).

Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa revealed that the arrests began when S alias G, RAD and IA were arrested in the Bakauheni area, Lampung. They were arrested with evidence of 70 kg of methamphetamine.

Then they were developed. It turned out that the 3 perpetrators got the illicit goods from Sofyan.

"Of these 3 people, this item belongs to brother S, who is a member of the elected Aceh Tamiang DPRK and the biggest vote," Mukti told reporters at Terminal 2 of Soetta Airport, Tangerang City, Monday, May 27.

Furthermore, Sofyan, who knew that he had been hunted by the police, the candidate for the Aceh Tamiang DPRK, fled. Luckily, it has detected its whereabouts.

"For more than 1 month it disappeared, we looked for Alhamdulillah. Three weeks earlier we managed to detect the perpetrator was there," he said.

The police then moved to arrest Sofyan at a clothing store in the Manyak Payed area, Aceh Tamiang Regency, on Saturday, May 25.

Currently Sofyan is being led to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, South Jakarta. He was charged with Article 114 Jo 132 of the Narcotics Law with the heaviest threat of the death penalty.

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