JAKARTA - Ramadhani Purwadi Sastra, the youngest son of former Cirebon Regent Sunjaya Purwadi Sastra, feels cornered by netizens in the 2016 murder case of Vina Cirebon.

The accusations made by netizens against Ramadhani made the family furious. As a result, Rama, Rama, Ramadhani's nickname, spoke again. Ramadhani said that in 2016 he was 11 years old and attended 5th grade elementary school.

"I made it clear a little, I was born on October 15, 2004 and that incident I was only 11 years old," he told reporters in East Jakarta, Monday, May 27.

Ramadhani confirmed that it was impossible for him to be still in elementary school involved in Vina's sadistic murder case. He was also very sorry to see his family be attacked by netizens and continued to be associated with Vina's death case.

"If I am mentally strong, but now I have a nephew, I am afraid that my nephew will feel what I feel, stop it," he said.

However, Rama assured his family that his psyche was maintained despite being accused of being Vina's killer. Rama also explained to all his friends and lecturers at one of the private campuses in the Cirebon area that he was not involved in murder.

"In the public environment, I also asked about that, but I explained that this is hoax news," he said.

Rama remembers the words of netizens who called himself a murder family and why not imprisoned. Even he should not smile by netizens even though he admits that he wants to live a normal and happy life.

"He said I was diverting issues and so on," he said.

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