Two residents were reported to have died as a result of a boat that was traveling with a leak while fishing in the Brantas River in Cungkal Hamlet, Sumberpetung Village, Kalipare District, Malang Regency, East Java.

Head of Public Relations of Malang Police, Iptu Ahmad Taufik, said that two victims died in the incident which occurred at around 08.00 WIB, named Bambang Sutikno (45), a resident of Blitar and Arief Purwanto (40), a resident of Malang.

"Two people died as a result of the boat traveling with a leak and then capsized. They were fishing at that time," Taufik said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 20.

Taufik explained that the incident began when four people, namely two victims Bambang Sutikno and Arief Purwanto and two other people, Saiful Arifin and Ahmad Afandi, boarded a boat to the middle of the river to fish.

According to him, approximately 100 meters from the riverbank, Arief's boat suffered a leak on the front. At that time, Arief, who was driving the boat, turned the boat over to pull over due to the leakage problem.

"But the boat rolled over and four victims fell into the river," he said.

He added that one of the passengers on the boat named Saiful Arifin shouted for help. At that time, there was one local resident who was looking for grass and then rushed to provide help.

"The resident was driving a boat and managed to help the victims named Saiful Arifin and Ahmad Afandi," he said.

Meanwhile, for the other two victims, they drowned and then a search was carried out by residents around the location of the incident. For approximately 30 minutes of the search process, one victim named Bambang Sutikno was found dead.

"Another victim, on behalf of Arief Purwanto, was found 30 minutes later in a dead condition," he said.

In this incident, the Kalipare Sector Police (Polsek) secured a number of evidences in the form of a blue fishing bag and an engine boat with a length of six meters.

In this incident, he continued, the family of the two victims who died refused to carry out the post-mortem. The family stated that the incident was purely a disaster.

"The victim's family refused to have a post-mortem because the incident was a disaster," he said.

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