JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Johanis Tanak emphasized that the report of the KPK Supervisory Board by his colleague, Nurul Ghufron to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police was not a collegial collective decision. He said the leadership did not interfere.
This was conveyed by Johanis in response to the news that the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, reported the KPK Supervisory Board to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police for abusing his authority after conveying to the media the alleged ethical violations he committed.
"I can be sure it has nothing to do with the decision of the KPK leadership which is collegial collective," Johanis said when confirmed by reporters, Monday, May 20.
Johanis said the new collegial collective decision would be taken when it comes to corruption cases. Meanwhile, Ghufron's actions are personal.
Because, anyone who feels aggrieved can submit civil and criminal reporting. "If the collegial collective in the KPK leadership is related to the policy in making decisions related to handling corruption cases handled by the KPK," he said.
"Everyone who feels that their interests are harmed in relation to criminal cases, then those who feel aggrieved can report to the authorities or if in the context of civil law or state administration they can sue through the district court if it is related to civil issues or PTUN if it is related to the TUN case," Johanis continued.
As previously reported, the Deputy Chairman of the KPK Commission, Nurul Ghufron, reported the KPK Supervisory Board to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. This report was made on May 6.
From VOI sources, Ghufron reported because the KPK Supervisory Board submitted the alleged ethical violation he had committed to reporters. The report is registered with the number LP/B/138/V/2024/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri.
It is known that Ghufron is currently undergoing a series of ethical hearings because he is suspected of abusing his authority as Deputy Chair of the KPK because he helps transfer an employee at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). In the process, the KPK Supervisory Board often provides explanations to the media.
... The occurrence of criminal acts of humiliation and/or abuse of authority related to the submission to the press regarding ethical violations of the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission on behalf of Nurul Ghufron is sufficient evidence and ready to be tried and handling the examination of violations of the KPK leadership code of ethics related to the alleged intervention of the ASN mutation of the Ministry of Agriculture as referred to in Article 310 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 421 which occurred in Jakarta in the period until May 2024, Thus quoted from the documents submitted by the source on Monday, May 20.
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