The body of one victim of the PK-IFP Type Cessna 172 training plane crash named Major (ret) Suwanda was finally brought by the family after an external identification or examination was carried out by the Forensic Team of the Police Hospital, Kramatjati, East Jakarta on Monday, May 20, morning.

Mayor (ret) Suwanda's body was picked up by the family after only the external identification or examination process was carried out by the forensic team without being autopsied.

The body was then handed over to the family to be taken to the Cirebon area, West Java for burial.

Not only family, a number of the victim's relatives from the aviation association also took the victim to his final resting place.

Until now, there are still 2 other victims, namely Capt. Pulu Darmawan and Farid Ahmad who have not been handed over to their families.

The plan is that after the identification process is completed, the two bodies will also be handed over to the family immediately.

Previously, it was reported that the National Police Hospital had not confirmed whether to carry out an autopsy process or not on the bodies of three victims of the PK-IFP Type Cessna 172 training plane crash in the BSD Serpong area, South Tangerang.

"We have received the identity of the victim, the post mortem will be carried out later, whether it will be an autopsy or just identification and outside examination. The ante mortem team will contact the family or family who come here," said Head of the Kramatjati Police Hospital, Brigadier General Hariyanto when confirmed, Monday, May 20.

Brigadier General Hariyanto said the process of identifying the bodies was very fast because the condition of the bodies was not too badly damaged.

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