JAKARTA - The Bawaslu of the Papua Mountains Province revealed that there had been riots during the re-voting (PSU) in Gamelia District, Lanny Jaya Regency, Papua Mountains Province. The information was conveyed by members of the Papua Province Bawaslu Putih Abidin in the trial of the 2024 Legislative Election case or PHPU Members of the 2024 Mountains Papua Provincial DPRD at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Tuesday 14 May.Belaku as the applicant in the case Number 20-01-09-37/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XII/2024 is the Nusantara Awakening Party (PKN) and as the defendant is the KPU RI. In the petition, PKN argued that there had been a reduction in the vote acquisition of the party as much as 4,001 votes in Gamilea District for the membership of the Papua Provincial DPRD Papua Mountains Dapil Papua Mountains 2. Sanggup said that there had indeed been a violation at the time of vote counting at the Gamilea District level, namely the Chairperson and three PPD members left the recapitulation place from February 17, 2024 night to February 18, 2024 without giving knowledge of the district panwaslu. "It resulted in the absence of recapitulation and plenary by PPD Gamilea so as to harm all political parties participating in the election, including PKN," he said, confiscated by Antara. The event, he continued, several party witnesses reported to the Lanny Jaya Regency Bawaslu for PSU to be carried out on February 29, 2024. However, when the PSU was held, there was rioting. during the implementation of the PSU, there was a mutual debate and arguing between the community and district level organizers to win each of the support, "he said.

Ia lantas menunjukkan bukti video dengan kode PK 37.1 kepada majelis hakim. Dalam video tersebut, terlihat beberapa orang saling menyerang dan berlarian sambil membawa senjata tajam.Setelah kejadian itu, kata dia, Bawaslu Kabupaten Lanny Jaya menerima laporan dugaan pelanggaran yang pada intinya terdapat ancaman kepada saksi atau siapa pun untuk tidak merekam video atau foto saat pelaksanaan pemungutan suara ulang serta adanya masyarakat Kabupaten Tolikara dan anak-anak yang ikut memilih di empat TPS Kampung Gamilea.Ketua MK Suhartoyo memastikan bahwa kejadian tersebut terjadi di wilayah yang menggunakan sistem noken."Ini di tempat-tempat yang pemilihannya menggunakan noken, ya?" tanya Suhartoyo."Iya, Yang Mulia," jawab Sanggup.Pada hari Selasa, Mahkamah Konstitusi menggelar sidang dengan agenda mendengarkan jawaban pihak termohon, keterangan pihak terkait, dan keterangan Bawaslu serta pengesahan bukti para pihak.Sidang panel satu dipimpin oleh Ketua MK Suhartoyo dan didampingi oleh Hakim Konstitusi Daniel Yusmic P. Foekh dan M. Guntur Hamzah.

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