Jakarta Environmental issues are one of the problems that the Presidential Staff Office is currently highlighting. For this reason, KSP formed a carbon task force to accelerate the handling of decarbonization in Indonesia, more specifically regarding carbon trading.

The presence of the carbon task force team is expected to be more effective in unraveling obstacles related to decarbonization policies, including funding and coordination between institutions.

"The formation of this task force was initiated by the Presidential Chief of Staff, Mr. Moeldoko, to strengthen collaboration in accelerating decarbonization efforts in Indonesia, including carbon trading," said the Head of the Carbon Task Force of the Presidential Staff Office, Ishak Saing, at the first series seminar of the 2024 Indonesia Carbon Care Initiative (ICCI) series initiated by the Presidential Staff Office with the Indonesian Carbon Expert Association (ACEXI), in Jakarta, Sunday (12/5).

Ishak said the carbon task force of the Presidential Staff Office would encourage the collaboration of stakeholders in increasing public awareness at various levels through campaigns on climate change. The task force, he continued, would also involve the private sector, either through financial incentives, public-private partnerships, as well as regulations that support sustainable investment. We frame this collaboration in the Indonesia Carbon Care Initiatives (ICCI)," he explained.

Furthermore, Ishak, who is also the Main Expert of the Presidential Staff Office, outlines that ICCI is a form of collaboration between five main sectors. Namely, academics, business, government, community, and media. Through the pentahelix collaboration, it is hoped that it can create sustainable solutions and have a positive impact on all relevant parties. The benefits include better innovation through a combination of various perspectives, increasing the acceptability of solutions in society, and reducing risks due to cross-sectoral support," he explained.

Ishak emphasized that cross-sectoral collaboration is the main key in accelerating the decarbonization process in Indonesia. Acceleration of decarbonization is a strategic step in facing the challenges of global climate change, and one of the main focuses is carbon trading. Where the government allocates carbon credit as an incentive for industries and other sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"This mechanism not only produces significant environmental benefits, but also creates new economic opportunities through carbon trading in the international market," said Ishak.

On that occasion, Ishak also highlighted the concept of Carbon Economic Value (NEK) which is an important part of Indonesia's decarbonization strategy. Where NEK emphasizes the importance of considering the economic value of ecosystem services and reducing carbon emissions, as well as providing guidance for policymakers to develop sustainable and market-oriented policies.

The development of the carbon exchange itself, he continued, is an important step in expanding carbon trading infrastructure, namely by providing a transparent and efficient platform for market participants to buy and sell carbon credit. This can encourage the growth of a dynamic and sustainable carbon ecosystem, as well as provide incentives for green technology innovation," said Ishak.

At the same time, the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Carbon Experts (ACEXI), Lastyo Lukito, welcomed the formation of the carbon task force of the Presidential Staff Office. According to him, the initiative of the Presidential Staff Office to build cross-sectoral collaboration within the framework of the Indonesia Carbon Care Initiatives (ICCI) is a positive step to help accelerate decarbonization in Indonesia.

"This is the right strategy to support KSP efforts to accelerate decarbonization through carbon trading and be implemented comprehensively," said Lastyo.

For information, the workshop with the theme Accelerating Indonesia's Decarbonization to Support Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Actions' also presented speakers from ministries and institutions. Among them, Dr. Wahyu Marjaka, M.ENG, Director of Mobilization of Sectoral Resources and Regional Directorate General of Climate Change Control of the Ministry of LHK, Lufaldy Ernanda, Director of Financial Supervision of Derivatives and the OJK Carbon Exchange, and Endah Tri Kurniawaty, Director of Fundraising and Development of the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH).

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