JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo led the ceremony to raise the rank of high-ranking police officers (pati) at the National Police Headquarters Rupatama, Jakarta, Saturday, June 29.

Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Pol Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in his statement in Jakarta, Saturday, stated that a total of 31 police officers attended the promotion ceremony.

Based on the telegram letter number STR/1768/VI/KEP/2024, there are 26 Polri regents whose ranks have increased. Then, based on the telegram letter number STR/1686/VI/KEP/2024 there were 5 police regents who were promoted.

"The National Police Chief led the ceremony to promote the rank of the Police Regent and PNS Polri today at the National Police Headquarters Rupatama," said Trunoyudo.

Among them, Komjen Agung Setya Imam Effendi, who now occupies the position of regent of Bareskrim Polri for assignment to BIN.

Then, there is Komjen Pol Syahardiantono who now occupies the position of Kabaintelkam.

Furthermore, there was Inspector General of Police Whisnu Hermawan Februanto who filled the positions of North Sumatra Police Chief and Inspector General of Police Suyudi Ario Seto as Banten Police Chief.

The following is a list of 31 police regents who participated in the promotion ceremony:

1. Komjen Pol Agung Setya Imam Effendi, Jabat Pati Bareskrim Polri (Augasan pada BIN)

2. Komjen Pol Syahardiantono, Jabatan Kabaintelkam Polri

3. Inspector General of Police Atang Heradi, Main Widyaiswara Position of Police Tk. I Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

4. Inspector General of Police Chuzani Patoppoi, position of Widyaiswara Main Police Main Police Tk.I Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

5. Inspector General of Police Whisnu Hermawan Februanto, North Sumatra Police Chief

6. Inspector General of Police Suyudi Ario Seto, Banten Police Chief

7. Brigadier General Pol Marwan Syukur, Designer of Main Police Regulations Tk.II Divkum Polri

8. Brigadier General Heny Sulistiya Arianta, Pati Lemdiklat Polri (Assignment at Wantannas)

9. Brigadier General Bambang Sentot Widodo, Head of Sespimmen Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

10. Brigadier General Supriyadi, Head of Sespimti Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

11. Brigadier General Anthony Agustinus Koylal, position of Widyaiswara Main Police Tk.II Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

12. Brigadier General of Police Dr. Yusuf Mawadi, Position of Sespusdokkes Polri

13. Brigadier General Pol Imam Thobroni, Main Widyaswara Position Main Police Tk. II Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

14. Brigadier General Agus Prianto, Main Police Intelligence Analyst Tk. II Baintelkam Polri

15. Brigadier General Pol Onny Trimurti Nugroho, Position of Analyst and Legal Advocacy Tk. II Divkum Polri

16. Brigadier General Ricky Naldo Chairul, Deputy of the Indonesian National Police Education and Training Center (STIK) Office

17. Brigadier General Pol Budi Hermawan, Main Widyaswara Position of Police Tk. II Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

18. Brigadier General Totok Suharyanto, Deputy Head of Public Relations of STIK Lemdiklat Polri

19. Brigadier General Pol dr. I Gusti Gede Maha Andika Jaya, Karokespol Position Polri Pusdokkes Polri

20. Brigadier General Harry Kurniawan, Main Sispamobvitnas Auditor Tk. II Baharkam Polri

21. Brigadier General Hengki, Deputy Chief of Police of Banten

22. Brigadier General Pol Faizal Ramadhani, Main Widyaswara Position of Police Tk. II Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

23. Brigadier General Pol Daddy Hartadi, Main Police Intelligence Service Tk. II Baintelkam Polri

24. Brigadier General Dr. dr. Sumy Hastry Purwanti, Office of Dokkes Investigation Police Main Tk. II Pusdokkes Polri

25. Brigadier General Arief Prapto Santoso, Main Widyaswara Position of Police Tk. II Sespim Lemdiklat Polri

26. Brigadier General Yusran Cahyo, Karojianbang position, Lemdiklat Polri

27. Inspector General of Police Winston Tommy Watuliu, Pati Baintelkam Polri (Assignment at BIN)

28. Inspector General of Police H. Nazirwan Adji Wibowo, Pati Sahli Polri Position (Assignment at Wantannas)

29. Inspector General of Police Rizal Iriawan, Pati Baintelkam Polri (Assignment at BIN)

30. Brigadier General Fransiscus Barung Mangera, Pati Lemdiklat Polri Position (Assignment at the Archipelago Capital Authority)

31. Brigadier General of the Amazona Pelamonia Police, Pati Baintelkam Polri (Assignment at BIN).

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