The Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) of the Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) Police arrested two suspects of narcotics abuse with evidence of 24.39 grams of crystal methamphetamine ready for distribution on Jalan Norman Umar, Amuntai Tengah.

"We arrested SN (34) and W (39) with evidence of shabu-shabu weighing 24.39 grams," said Head of the Narcotics Unit of the HSU Police AKP Sutargo in Amuntai, HSU Regency, South Kalimantan (Kalsel) Tuesday, May 7, confiscated by Antara.

He conveyed that investigators were still developing a network of drug dealers who supplied methamphetamine to the two suspects SN and W.

According to Sutargo, this arrest was the result of community cooperation with the police who provided information to each other.

Based on community reports, the Narcotics Unit team led by AKP Sutargo moved quickly to patrol the location mentioned.

During the operation, the two suspects who were riding a motorbike with suspicious movements were ambushed without a fight.

"One of them tried to throw away the cigarette box which turned out to contain five packages of methamphetamine with a total weight of 24.39 grams," said Sutargo.

After finding the evidence, the two suspects were immediately taken to the HSU Police for further examination and legal proceedings.

The two perpetrators face severe sentences charged with Article 114 Paragraph 2 or 112 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics which includes the death penalty, life imprisonment, or imprisonment of at least six years to a maximum of 20 years.

Sutargo added that his party would not stop being committed to eradicating narcotics trafficking in HSU Regency.

The arrest also marked the seriousness of the Narcotics Unit of the HSU Police in fighting drugs in the region.

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