JAKARTA - Two foreign fishing vessels (KIA) from Vietnam in the waters of the North Natuna Sea, in the Riau Islands Province, were secured by the Directorate General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (Ditjen PSDKP) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP).

Plt. PSDKP Director General Pung Nugroho Saksono in Batam, said the action was based on information from local fishermen, that there were two KIA Vietnam, BV 4417 TS (100 GT) and BV 1182 TS (66 GT) who carried out illegal fishing using trawler fishing gear in the waters of the North Natuna Sea.

"This action was carried out by the ORCA 02 Supervisory Ship. When secured, the two Vietnamese KIA captains were unable to show various valid fishing permit documents," said Pung Nugroho, ANTARA, Sunday, May 5.

After taking action, the two Vietnamese KIA who brought 20 crew members were immediately taken to the Batam PSDKP base.

"We responded quickly to complaints from fishermen and the public. At 09.03 WIB, the arrest operation of KIA Vietnam paid off and we managed to stop, examine and detain 2 units of KIA with Vietnamese flags," he said.

Pung Nugroho explained, after taking action, investigators from the Directorate General of PSDKP found 15 tons of fish in the confiscated two KIA Vietnam storage areas.

If only in terms of the catch, maybe 10 tons, the next one may be 5 tons. However, the ship uses trawling and this damages existing coral reefs. ecological damage is greater than the economy taken. This is what we have to protect," he said.

He said PSDKP would always take firm action against the issue of illegal fishing from foreign ships.

For the illegal fishing action carried out by the two Vietnamese KIAs, the two captains were named suspects and charged with Article 92 in conjunction with Article 26 paragraph (1) Article 98 in conjunction with Article 42 paragraph (3) of the Marine and Fisheries Sector of Law No. 6 of 2023 concerning Stipulation of Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation.

In addition, Article 85 in conjunction with Article 9 of Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries, carries a maximum prison sentence of 5 years and a maximum fine of IDR 2 billion.

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